In News, SEO

New Google Update:

Matt Cutts, Head of Google Update , released this public video where he talked about the future of Google, SEO, web spam and the all new Penguin 2 Algorithm update.

The original Penguin Google update was first announced on 24 April 2012 and it caused a huge stir among internet marketers. While this update was intended to help reduce webspam and spammers manipulating search results, many “innocent” webmasters became victims too.

We’re talking about your average blogger or site owner who never engaged in link-buying or black-hat SEO tactics, who is making a living from his or her site and got their site totally slapped and dropped from the rankings.

What Will Penguin 2.0 Do?

While at this point it’s purely speculation, the short and simple of the matter is that the Penguin 2.0 Google Updateis aimed to reduce web spam and get quality sites to appear at the top of search results. However, there is always going to be a way to tilt the odds of ranking highly in your favor, which is what you’re going to learn when you opt in to our post Penguin 2.0 SEO strategy email list.

The original Penguin updated targeted on-site over-optimization. This means that if you have an unnatural amount of keywords that you were clearly trying to rank for, that you got penalized. For example if you were trying to rank for “Black shoes for men” and this exact keyphrase “Black shoes for men” appeared in your title tags, meta descriptions, H1, H2, H3 tags, in your footer and in every second sentence of your content, you would very likely have been slapped all the way down the rankings to a position where nobody will ever find you.

The Panda update targeted over-optimization of keywords in the anchor text. So if an unnatural percentage of the links pointing to your site were all one keyword that you were trying to rank for, you would have gotten penalized.

The core of SEO is highly unlikely to change. Google Update still uses an algorithm (code with rules to follow) to determine which sites to rank. That means there is a checklist of good and bad things that the Google bots and spiders look for, and if your site meets these good things on the checklist, you will be rewarded with high rankings.

While up to this point we have still been able to rank one and two page websites for highly competitive terms, this is something that could possibly change with Penguin 2.0. Things like links from obvious link farms and blog networks could create penalties. Links from dropped domains or bad neighborhoods could be targeted more. The update could look at things like bounce rate, time on site, pageviews and social engagement… But it’s all still speculation.

How To Avoid Google Penalties In 2013

According to Matt Cutts, the Penguin 2 update has been fully rolled out. We have not seen any noticeable effects and have actually seen increases in all our rankings across the board. Thestrategy we use for ranking our sites is very safe and still very effective,even post Penguin, Panda and Penguin 2 updates.

There are 3 things you need to do do to avoid penalties and rank highly in 2013.


1- Avoid Onsite overoptimization.

This means that you should not be stuffing your pages with keywords and keyphrases. If you want to rank for “Search Engine Optimization”, then you do not want to put that keyphrase in your titles, meta descriptions,alt tags of your images, in your footer and stuff it in your content. Make it look more natural and use synonyms, related words and use your keyword in a sentence rather than just on it’s own, e.g.”Search engine optimization strategies for 2013″.

2- Avoid Backlink Overoptimization.

This means that you need to watch the percentage of backlinks pointing to your site with an exact keyword you are trying to rank for. You can easily track this in MajesticSEO. As a rule, aim to have no more than 25% of your backlinks as any single keyword.

3- Have Quality Backlinks.

This is something that everyman and his dog has been preaching for the last years, but the truth is that quality backlinks are what rank your site in search engines. It’s very quick to say that you need quality backlinks, but what does this mean exactly?

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to have thousands of backlinks to rank a site. We are outranking sites that have hundreds of thousands of backlinks with relatively new sites that have less than 300 backlinks, simply because we build the right kinds of links.

Quality backlinks mean links from authority sites related to your niche, preferably with a PR of 3 and above. The higher the PR site linking to you, the more effect it’s going to have on your rankings. It can be very difficult, expensive and time-consuming acquiring backlinks but we’ve figured out a very effective strategy for it that we outline in our premium guide Backlinks XXX.

We have incredible success with our current SEO strategy and we rank for competitive terms within weeks with brand new sites. We have numerous case study sites built on our strategy and they withstood the Penguin 2.0 Google Update beautifully and even improved in rankings. Here’s a small screenshot of how well we are performing with just one of our many, many sites:

Google's Penguin 2.0 Algorithm: The Definitive Guide
Google’s Penguin 2.0 Algorithm: The Definitive Guide

Oh, and would you like to get these kinds of rank increases? This is a completely new URL that we’re ranking for a very competitive term for “SEO + [Major City]” and we achieved 10th position in matter of days…

f you want to get these results over and over again for a price you cannot refuse (people tell us we are stupid to charge what we are currently charging, the course is worth 20 time more), go ahead and check out our premium guide Backlinks XXX now.

Google Ranking
Google Ranking

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