Good News For Small Businesses
It is pretty tough for Small Businesses to handle incoming inquiries through phone calls and document these inquiries.
Firstly you should have someone nice and intelligent to handle the calls.
The person handling the call should also have a good knowledge of your products.
Secondly, there should be a proper record maintained of each call you receive.
Lastly, the person should be available 24 X7 with no excuses.
And it’s not an easy task to find a person who can handle this job.
Who should be handling your business inquiries over the phone?
Not all people are suitable for handling inquiries over the phone.
If you have great product knowledge but you are not entertaining and courteous to your customer over the phone, you may not covert the inquiry into a sale.
If you are courteous and polite but have less or no product knowledge you still won’t be able to impress the customers enough to make a sale.
Every one of us has at some point of time talked to a customer care agent and not been satisfied by the answer.
Be it due to less domain knowledge or poor communication skills. It makes us irritated towards the service and the company.
Only a person with great product knowledge and amazing communication skills can handle the incoming telephonic inquiries and such people are hard to get.
And for Small Businesses to have this person and the whole setup to handle inquiries like a call centre is a costly initiative.
But Google has brought up a solution for you.

Google Launched this service for the US recently, it is basically for small businesses looking at enhancing their customer service.
If you remember last year same month Google introduced a service call Duplex. If not view the video below it has been seen 3 million times.
For those who didn’t want to see the video.
It is about a program calling a real person and scheduling an appointment for the phone user. (See above video from 1.10 for chills)
This year Google has launched the same service but in reverse.
Imagine an app that can handle all incoming calls for your business.
That can answer to your customer’s queries and provide them with a valuable suggestion.
And all this very very human-like.
You might have got goosebumps after viewing the video at 1.23.
Imagine the boost it will give your business.
Features of CallJoy By Google
It is not only an app that will handle your calls but will be doing a lot of your job so that you can be free to conduct your business.
- Never miss a phone call
- Call Insights
- Call Recording
- Bad Call Experience
- Peak Calling Time
- Convert Call into action

How much does CallJoy Cost?
Unlike most of Google Products, CallJoy doesn’t come for free.
Don’t be disappointed.
Google has targeted the product towards Small Businesses and has made it affordable for Small Business to use the features of CallJoy.
CallJoy costs you 39$/Month which is way too less and efficient than hiring a real person.
How this will affect employment is a discussion for some other day.
At the time this article went for publishing the website mentioned (calljoy.com)for free trial was down.
CallJoy agent seems to be a promising product by Google and won’t be shut down like most of the Google products.