Mobile friendly website is not a new concept, in fact, to be writing about it at this point in time seems a bit late.
I have stressed enough about why your website/s should be mobile friendly in earlier posts, but I am revisiting this topic once again.
Why you ask?
Just because Google has increased the focus on mobile-first indexing.
Google will now focus more on how your website behaves on mobile devices.
If your website is not working good on mobile devices, your ranking will surely fall down.
And Google is now stressing more on this point.
If you are maintaining two different versions for mobile and desktop, and if the two versions are different (contentwise) you will have to rework on making them similar.
To rank higher in search results your content should be similar on both versions.
Another thing that you should address immediately is the meta descriptions and structured data.
Again if you have two different versions of the website for mobile and desktop, the structured data and meta description should be the same.
This is one of the points that Googlebot is looking for on your website while indexing.
If you are not looking at this, your website will not be preferred for mobile indexing.
How does this affect your business?
With most of the people now searching on devices, it is good practice to make your website mobile friendly.
In the last 13 years, we have noticed that businesses create a website and do not adapt to the current trends, for years together they do not update the website, do not upgrade the technology.
The whole purpose of creating a website turns out to be zero.
I would always recommend you to keep your website up to date, safe and useful for your target audience.
One golden rule to follow is- If you are not getting enough business through your website there is no point in creating a website.
Maintain your website, keep updating the content, keep in touch with the latest trends in website development and upgrade your technologies whenever necessary.