Responsive Design
Responsive web design is a new approach to providing an optimal viewing experience.
What is Responsive Design
Responsive Web design is an approach whereby a designer creates a Web page that “responds to” or resizes itself depending on the type of device it is being seen through.
Ethan Marcotte coined the term Responsive web design (RWD) in a May 2010 article in “A List Apart.” He described the theory and practice of responsive web design in his brief 2011 book titled Responsive Web Design. Responsive Web design is an approach whereby a designer creates a Web page that “responds to” or resizes itself depending on the type of device it is being seen through. That could be an oversized desktop computer monitor, a laptop, a 10-inch tablet, a 7-inch tablet, or a 4-inch smartphone screen. Responsive Web design has become one of the hottest trends in 2013. This is due in part to the growth of smartphones and other mobile devices. More people are using smaller-screen devices to view Web pages.

Responsive Design – Expert’s View.
VEBLOGY is expert in deliver best responsive design.

Responsive web design is a new approach to providing an optimal viewing experience. It focused on easy reading and navigation of key content – across a wide range of desktop, smartphone and tablet devices.