How to get a website that makes Money?
There are 1 Billion+ websites worldwide today. And there are only handful of websites that actually make businesses thrive.
- Your website is not having enough visitor.
- Your website is not scientifical designed.
- Your website has not generated business for you.

Do You Know What Your Visitors Are Doing On Your Website?
If you already have a website, have you ever looked into how your visitors browse through it?
Do you know how you can get this insight into visitor behavior?
If you thought of google analytics, there is more to it than just looking at the analytics figures.
There has been tons of research in the field of online visitors psychology by multiple universities.
And if you go through these studies you will know that 99% of websites are developed with no idea how visitors are going to use the website.
And you end up owning a website that has no purpose of its own.
Such sites make no business, No Buzz… in the already competitive market.
And now you just keep renewing your domain and hosting year after year. Without actually making any business or money or leads.
Your prime motive for creating a website is
To make…. your products or services easily accessible to your visitors.
To show…. your capabilities to your prospects.
To stand…. above your competitors.
To represent…. Your business when you are not available.
Is your current website doing so?
If not, you should immediately contact us to get insights on how to make your website a digital salesperson. This service is free for the first month.
What is the difference between getting a website from Veblogy?
The general scenario
You require a website, you contact some web development company, let’s assume XYZ web development and the conversation ensues-
You: Hey, I require a website for my company!
XYZ: Yeah, sure… will be happy to make one for you, How many web pages are you looking for?
You: Pages….Not sure but say ten pages.
XYZ: Great…. And what is your company about?
You: Well… my company provides services related to ……
XYZ: Good to know, let me send you some sample website that we have developed and some standard templates. You can suggest any changes related to images and colors and we will create a website for you.
You: Ok….
XYZ: Also you can send us your brand colors, logos, domain name suggestions and your product details.
You: Ok…. But what would be the pricing?
XYZ: For 10 pages we generally charge $……..
You select some template
You send your brand colors, logo domain name suggestions, and product details.
The website is created by the time you reach your home.
A Year Later…..
You receive a call from XYZ Web Development Company.
XYZ: Good Morning! Your domain and hosting are about to expire.
You: Ok…
XYZ: The renewal charges are $….
You: Ok… but I didn’t make a penny from the website.
XYZ: Sorry!… I didn’t get your point.
Actually, XYZ never got your actual point for creating a website.

We at Veblogy understand that creating a website has a purpose behind it.
And understanding that purpose is prime motive for us.
When you come to us for your website you will notice the difference immediately.
What’s the difference?
You: I want a website for my company.
Veblogy: Sure…. Do you already have a website?
You: Yes… {in some cases no..}
Veblogy: And what is your company about?
You: My company is into …………….
Veblogy: Great…Could I arrange a callback. We need to get some details about your products and come up with some designs that are suitable for your products.
You: Yeah, sure…. When should I expect the call?
Veblogy: It will take at least 8 working hours.
You: Ok great I will wait for your call.
The 8 Hours...
During these 8 hours, we check all the necessary parameters with our analysis tools which can help us understand your
- Products
- Competitors
- Design requirements
- Placements of products
Once these parameters are in front of us, we can project the picture of your new website in front of you.
This method helps both of us understand the nature of competition within your sector.
It also helps us to understand how you can tackle this competition with our help.

War is ninety percent information.
– Napoleon Bonaparte, French Military and Political Leader
And this 90% information is what we can provide you to deal with your competition.
Imagine you having information of how your visitors are using your website.
- What they are looking at?
- What they are clicking on?
- How much time they spend on your page? Actually what section of a page.
And think about your competitor who has none of this information.
Your battle is already won!
A True Story....
One of our clients had developed a website. He had got the website developed by some company a year ago. But had little or no business at all.
His website design was copied from one of the most famous e-commerce giants.
His products were unique and had little or no competition online.
When he called us, his first sentence was ‘I want a website that will sell’.
We had a skype call to understand what was wrong.
He said he has heavily invested in making this website but the company said it has done the best they can by copying the most successful e-commerce giant’s layout.
And if there are no sales may be there is no market for his products.
They even suggested him to buy a Search Engine Optimization package.
That’s when he decided to contact us, before making any further investment.
We swung into action.
We gave him our 1 month trial of our VebOptimize Service on the same old site. He didn’t have to spend a single dollar for it.
Meanwhile, our service collected parameters on how his visitors were using his website.
Once we had concrete information, we understood what went wrong.
The Layout.
The copied layout worked well for the e-commerce giant, why? Just because people are accustomed to shopping on their site, they knew what they were buying.
In some case maybe they were already pre-sold so they just had to click ‘Add To Cart’. (Due to all the Television ads and stuff)
But with his website, the story was different.
Our VebOptimize data showed us that visitors never actually bothered to click on the ‘Buy Now’.
They saw the pricing and left.
They never bothered to check the description of the product.
When we suggested making necessary changes the sales picked up.
And Now we have a customer for life. The one who brings us, other customers, too.
This relationship building is what we focus more on.
We know, a happy customer is more worth than the money he is going to pay us.
To know more about VebOptimize get your 1 month Free Trial Today!
If you have a website you can start right away in minutes.
The results will take at least 1 month to provide us with in-depth insights.
Fill up the form below and we will get in touch with you.